Foden v Verane interview captured the player’s view for the weekend. Manchester United will face Manchester City in a mouthwatering derby. The match is set to take place at the Etihad Stadium on Sunday midday.

Phil Foden and Raphael Verane held interviews for their respective clubs. The latter focused more on the upcoming Manchester derby. When asked about the atmosphere of the match, the French defender said:

“I think it especially comes from the fans. I think the rivalry is very important for them and we respect that.And we want to make them happy, so we want to fight and to win against teams like Manchester City or Liverpool”.

Foden v Verane interview

When asked about his relation with fans, Raphael responded: “We’re in touch. They always try to motivate the players”.

He added: “They always have a positive word or something like that before the games. So we can feel their support”.

“You have to feel what the fans are expecting from you and what they want. It is very important”.

Raphaël Varane asked if he feels Mancunian now: “Yeah, I feel comfortable. I also feel the support of the fans so that’s very important”.

Phil Foden also had his say about Manchester City during the interview. Likewise, the English international focused on the Manchester derby.

The contents of the interview for both players are in the video above.